The Role of Temporal Dimensions for Creativity

 Alex McKay

On the 16th of April, Dr. Alexander S. McKay, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, gave a public talk as part of the Creativity and Innovation Lecture Series organized by the Webster Center of Creativity and Innovation (WCCI). His lecture, titled “A Time for Creativity: The Role of Temporal Dimensions for Creativity” explored the complex, multifaceted relationship between creativity and time. Dr. McKay gave an overview of theoretical constructs and research findings within this emerging domain of study. His talk considered, among others, the ways in which temporal orientations, work routines, and procrastination might come to impact creative performance. He ended by considering some practical recommendations for those who want to manage their time in ways that are favorable for creativity or who manage the time of creative people. More thoughts on this topic can be accessed by listening to the podcast recorded on the day of his lecture and available here.